Apply of Deep Learning Techniques to Classify Poisonous Squid and Non-Venomous Squid

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Kritsakorn Samakul
Benchaphol Phetliam
Arisa Thongkhumkrom
Janista Nonsraket
Napat Dechsatien


This research presents the development model for image classification of poisonous squid and non-venomous squid based on supervised learning  deep learning technique. The image dataset to train model contains 200 images. There are 100 images per class and set up epoch equal to 10.   We experimentally compare the performance of two algorithms, which are Artificial Neural Network and Convolutional Neural Network.  The experiment results show that the classification performance of Convolutional Neural Network is better than Artificial Neural Network in all measures. The model is giving 92.50% Accuracy, 100.00% Precision, 85.00% Recall, and 91.89% F1-score.

The obtained model is used to develop the information system for classification of poisonous squid and non-venomous squid in order that users can take advantage to reduce the dangers of consumption that may occur in the future.

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How to Cite
Samakul, K., Phetliam, B., Thongkhumkrom, A., Nonsraket, J., & Dechsatien, N. (2024). Apply of Deep Learning Techniques to Classify Poisonous Squid and Non-Venomous Squid. Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development, 5(1), 24–38. retrieved from
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