Application of digital technology support health tourism for the elderly in the new normal of COVID-19 situation Titiya Netwong* and Prisana Munpao

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Titiya Netwong


This academic article aims to present the concept of digital technology to support health tourism. The tourism industry was adversely affected by the COVID-19 situation. The tourist market has changed under the new normal, therefore having to turn to digital technology to support more services. The elderly are tourists with high spending potential. It is a new market with great potential because it is a quality market, focus on good quality tourism and services. There are 2 forms of health tourism in Thailand: 1) promote tourism is the main objective to sustain, and 2) health promotion tourism is the secondary objective with the aim of visiting nature, explore other cultures along taking care of physical and mental health. From the COVID-19 situation, the tourism industry must build confidence among Thai people in traveling in Thailand. With a focus on quality tourists, despite the decrease in the number of tourists, but increased the value of spending per person and take into account the environmental safety and sustainability. Digital technology is applied to accommodate the adaptation of modern tourism behavior. It is used for travel planning purposes, decision making Increasing knowledge of health treatment. Today, the elderly are increasingly interested in using technology. But the adoption of digital technology to promote health tourism for the elderly must take into account the change in physical performance, meets the needs of health, promoting content that is beneficial and easy to use for the elderly.

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How to Cite
Netwong, T. (2021). Application of digital technology support health tourism for the elderly in the new normal of COVID-19 situation: Titiya Netwong* and Prisana Munpao. Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development, 3(1), 104–117. retrieved from
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