An effect of purple waxy corn flour on Ubon noodle-product attributes Attaporn Niyomram, Ampika Wongwai, Nittaya Phungam* , Natwalinkhol Settapramote, and Weerawate Utto

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Nittaya Phungam


The research is to study of ubon noodle product at purple waxy corn flour supplement with 0 5 10 and 15 percent. The sensory assessment obtained the acceptance high score of texture (Toughness) and overall preference (7.20 and 7.37, respectively) compared to 5 and 15 percent formulas and close to the control formula. Study physical attribute the ubon noodle product at purple waxy corn flour supplement with 10 percent, compared to control formulas found that 2 formula noodle product of moisture content (2.51 and 2.30 percent, respectively) and water activity (aw) (0.68 and 0.79, respectively) non-significant different (p≤0.05). The considering of noodle product maximum tensile value, shows that corn flour supplement with 10 percent the higher of maximum tensile value (11.06 N) compared to control formulas (9.24 N). The corn flour supplement result protein, fat, ash, amylose, phenolic compound, antioxidant and anthocyanin content have a high tendency (3.40, 1.83, 1.20, 18.99%, 18.04 mgGAE/100 g, 31.70 mg/ml and 44.37 mg, respectively) Therefore, is suitable add nutritional value to ubon noodle products as substitute for traditional formula that consumers will mainly get nutrients such as carbohydrates.    

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How to Cite
Phungam, N. (2021). An effect of purple waxy corn flour on Ubon noodle-product attributes: Attaporn Niyomram, Ampika Wongwai, Nittaya Phungam* , Natwalinkhol Settapramote, and Weerawate Utto. Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development, 3(1), 32–45. retrieved from
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