An incubator to control temperature and turn eggs automatically Suthiphong Muntayen and Chitsaran Sikuka*
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The objective of this research is to study and design the temperature control cabinet for automatic egg hatching. To be an incubation tool like natural hatching In order to reduce the risk factors associated with natural hatching, such as hens abandoning their nests and refusing to hatch Being an animal stealing an egg in a nest Overlapping The damage from stepping on the broken egg of the hens These factors cause the efficiency of hatching to decrease. By this automatic egg incubator Can heat like a hen, ventilating With automatic egg turning Can manage to increase and decrease the temperature as appropriate Development tools include the Arduino Uno board to control humidity, temperature and egg turning. The node esp8266 is used to collect data to the database. And has a display of humidity, temperature, turning eggs, date of hatching Incubation reports via the webpage for easy tracking and viewing of incubator reports The temperature inside the automatic egg hatching cabinet The average suitable temperature is 37.5 ºC ambient temperature.
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