Design and development of experimental set with sound resonance in pipe using Arduino Khanittha Joanun* and Kannapa Kanjanachat

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Khanittha Joanun


This paper aims to design and development experimental set of sound resonance in the pipe by using Arduino. The purposes of study were to design and development of experimental set of sound resonance accurate theories for teaching and learning of sound resonance. This set of experiments compose of a 1.2 meter long PVC pipe as a closed end pipe. The pipe length can adjust by sliding piston within the pipe. Use a smartphone installation application Function Generator connect via Bluetooth speaker as sound source by releasing the frequencies from 400, 500, and 700 Hz. Arduino measure a distance meter (x) to calculate the speed of sound. The results showed that the speed of sound was close to the theory. The error is 14.94%.

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How to Cite
Joanun, K. (2019). Design and development of experimental set with sound resonance in pipe using Arduino: Khanittha Joanun* and Kannapa Kanjanachat. Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development, 1(1), 29–35. retrieved from
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