Design and development of a Khao-Tan forming machine for Khao-Tan producers in Janjawa, Chaing Rai, Thailand Pumipong Duangtang*, Thanawut Thanavanich, Kittakorn Sriwanna, Panuphan Jitkham, and Rungrot Sukjaimuk
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This paper presents the Design and Development of Khao - Tan Forming Machine for Khao - Tan producers in Janjawa Sub district Municipality, Mae chan District, Chaing Rai. The researcher has designed of Khao - Tan Forming Machine by automatic operation control system and using the stepping motor to control the rice arm. In the operation of the machine, start by pouring the rice that has already mixed the ingredients onto the machine. After that, the machine will sweep the rice onto the molded form immediately. By sweeping the rice into the printed form, it swept back and forth for 4 rounds, with different sweeping speeds by different speeds from the experiment to get the appropriate value. After that, the tray system will automatically slide down. The manufacturer will remove the tray from the machine. These processes take an average of 1.40 minutes per cycle. The machine designed by the researcher can be molded up to 42 pieces per cycle. The machine can reduce the time to print Khoa-Tan, and can produce a lot at a time and reduce the use of labor, thus saving wages in hiring workers.
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