Nursing Care of the Septic Shock Patient with Acute Respiratory Failure and Acute Kidney Injury


  • Panjit namphonkrang 0840122438
  • Sirilax Suttharattanakun คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ กลุ่มวิชาการพยาบาลผู้ใหญ่และผู้สูงอายุ มหาวิทยาลัยวงษ์ชวลิตกุล จังหวัดนครราชสีมา


Septic shock, respiratory failure, acute kidney injury


Septic shock is seen in patients with sepsis who develop underlying circulatory, cellular, and metabolic abnormalities, resulting in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and leading cause of death. Especially, septic shock patients with acute respiratory failure and acute kidney injury will also have an increased mortality rate. Implementation of the current Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock such as early recognition and immediate treatment with antimicrobials within 1 hour can reduce the mortality rate. If the healthcare team lacks knowledge of current guidelines, the patient will face increasing severity of illness and life threatening. Therefore, nurses are required to acquire knowledge, skills and focus on nursing conform to current guidelines to provide effective care. These will lead to early recovery of patient from septic shock, reducing suffering, disability and mortality rate of the patients.

Author Biography

Panjit namphonkrang, 0840122438

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How to Cite

namphonkrang, P., & Suttharattanakun, S. (2021). Nursing Care of the Septic Shock Patient with Acute Respiratory Failure and Acute Kidney Injury. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 34(2), 1–15. retrieved from



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