A study on the behavior of pulling power and flammability of mold walls mixed with high-density polyethylene plastic waste

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Thaweesak Rungsaktaweekul
Piyapong Kesawadkorn
Teerin Kongpun
Apised Suwansaard


Currently, materials used in construction have been continuously developed in terms of quality and efficiency, especially fiber reinforcement in mortar, a form of development used in construction. The development aims to enhance concrete's tensile properties and performance for higher flexibility. Most plaster walls are ordinary mortar and have low elasticity, which is a weak point. Therefore, attempts are being made to improve their properties by using a rigid material as a concrete mixture, namely high-density polyethylene plastic, to increase its ability to bear tensile force. This study examines the tensile strength and flammability tests of walls plastered with mortar, with which high-density polyethylene plastic waste is mixed. The tensile strength of mortar plaster walls mixed with high-density polyethylene plastic is tested by replacing at 2.5%, 5%, and 10% proportions and cured at 7, 14, and 28 days. By comparing general mortar and high-density polyethylene plastic mortar, it is found that the general mortar had the highest tensile strength at 28 days of curing. The obtained value is 45 ksc, and the mortar mixed with polyethylene plastic in the amount of 2.5% at 28 days of curing can withstand the strength of 45 ksc. In addition, the general mortar can produce the same tensile strength as mortar mixed with high-density polyethylene plastic. The flammability test shows that general mortar develops red marks after being burned with fire, while the mortar combined with high-density polyethylene plastic develops black marks. However, neither type of wall is in flames nor spread.

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How to Cite
Rungsaktaweekul T, Kesawadkorn P, Kongpun T, Suwansaard A. A study on the behavior of pulling power and flammability of mold walls mixed with high-density polyethylene plastic waste. J Appl Res Sci Tech [internet]. 2024 Aug. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];23(3):257122. available from: https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutt-journal/article/view/257122
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