Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System on Hatching Native Chickens Egg in Electric Incubator using Internet of Things Technology

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Gitsada Panumonwatee
Nikorn Preecha
Sittichai Choosumrong


This study presents the application of IoT technology for temperature and humidity monitoring on hatching native chicken eggs in an electric incubator to reduce the damage to the egg. The test group was divided into a non-tracking electric incubator (T1) and a tracking electric incubator (T2) while holding the 120 eggs/group. The data was collected on the initial egg weight (g/egg), infertility at day 7 (%), fertility at day 7 (%), embryo mortality at day 18 (%), chicks mortality at day 21 (%), hatchability (%) and crooked toes (%). The temperature and humidity data were sent to the database server every 30 min. From the results, summer temperature showed thesummer temperature was highest at 3.30 – 5.00 pm. (38 – 39.5°C) our technology notified the high-temperature alert to farmer. Then, The T2 treatment showed that the embryo mortality on day 18 (14%) was significantly less than T1 (26%) (P<0.05), and the hatchability of T2 treatment was dramatically increased (15%) (P<0.05). However, initial egg weight, infertility at day 7, fertility at day 7, chick mortality at day 21, and crooked toes were not different (P>0.05). So, the IoT technology for tracking and notifying the temperature and humidity during the hatching process showed increased efficiency in egg hatchability, coupled with the low-cost system for implementation. The farmers can use this approach to increase production efficiency and reduce problems which occurring by using electric incubators.

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How to Cite
Panumonwatee G, Preecha N, Choosumrong S. Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System on Hatching Native Chickens Egg in Electric Incubator using Internet of Things Technology. J Appl Res Sci Tech [internet]. 2022 Oct. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];21(2):79-88. available from: https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutt-journal/article/view/249343
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