The Improvement of Paper Properties from Banana Pulp with Carboxymethyl Cellulose

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Akaradet Tongsawang
Kanpicha Suwannawatanamatee


This research aims to study the properties of paper which was made of banana pulp coated with carboxy methyl cellulose. The 12 percent concentration of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) per dried banana weight and 4 percent concentration of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) per dried banana weight were used in the experiment. Then, it was boiled to break down the lignin for 90 minutes at the 100 degree Celsius temperature, formed paper sheets weighed 80 g/m2, and coated of carboxymethyl cellulose of 34 microns thick with bar coater. Three levels of concentration were 1, 2 and 3% (w/v) coated of one and two layers. After that, it was left for 24 hours at 25 degree Celsius temperature and 50 percent of humidity. This could test the mechanical properties of the paper water absorption properties, and printability properties. The research results showed that the coated paper of carboxymethyl cellulose had mechanical properties of increasing paper thickness resulted in the properties of bursting strength, tensile strength, and gloss increases. It affected the printability properties, an increasing density of paper to print and also it can keep details of thin lines and small text size. The value of water absorption of paper properties was reduced. From the research result, the paper coated of carboxymethyl cellulose could be developed to other packaging and basic data of paper development for farmer or community organizations in the future.

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How to Cite
Tongsawang A, Suwannawatanamatee K. The Improvement of Paper Properties from Banana Pulp with Carboxymethyl Cellulose. J Appl Res Sci Tech [internet]. 2022 May 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];21(1):11-2. available from:
Research Articles


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