Development of Smart Farms in Greenhouses through the Embedded System
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The purposes of this study were to develop smart farm management system in the greenhouses model through the embedded system, to assess quality of smart farms management system in the greenhouses and evaluate the satisfaction of the samples in a system. The research was conducted by developing, implementing, and evaluating the smart farms management system model through the embedded system, 40 samples ware lecturer, student, staff and farmers who stayed at faculty of Agricultural Technology and Agro-industry, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Hantra campus. They were selected by a purposive sampling method. Data were collected and statistically analyzed by using mean and standard deviation statistics. The results revealed that the developed system was evaluated by the experts at an acceptable high level. After refining the system according to the expert’s opinion and was used to evaluate the system, the quality of the system was considered at a high level ( = 4.64, S.D. = 0.18) and satisfaction level of sample towards for the system was considered at a high level (
= 4.60, S.D. = 0.04). It can be concluded that the smart farm management system in the greenhouses model through the embedded system improves convenience and ease the burden for farmers. Which farmers can control turning on-off watering in greenhouses via smartphone from anywhere at anytime.
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