Development of Healthy Brownie from Three Colored Beans

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Suwaphanee Boonsean
Nutsima Boonbai
Sumana Poonyim
Auntisorn Sirisubjareon
Peerapong Ngamnikom
Siriluck Surin


Brownie is a bakery product with the main composition of wheat flour. Therefore, this research was to develop brownie made from three colors of bean (black-, white-, and red kidney beans) to replace wheat flour and to add nutritional value to the brownie. Based on the results of the selection of basic brownie recipes, consumers rated the most preference recipe from The Health and Cuisine magazine (S3). The score was in the range of 7.2-7.9 (moderate preference) due to its higher chocolate and cocoa composition than the basic S1 and S2 recipes. Therefore, the S3 recipe was a prototype in the development of three-colored bean brownie, which was a 100% substitute for wheat flour. In the study of bean ratio (black: white: red), the ratio was 50:25:25 (M1), 25:50:25 (M2) and 25:25:50 (M3). From sensory evaluation, it was found that consumers rated the highest preference recipe for M2 in taste and overall liking, significantly (p < 0.05). The score was in the range of 6.8-7.5 (slight to moderate preference). For the physical properties of M2, its color showed L*, a* and b* as 6.75, 2.24 and 1.18, respectively. Its water activity (aw) was 0.75. The nutritional value of 3 recipes of three-colored bean brownie products in comparison with S3 (50 grams of weight per serving was used in the calculation) showed that all three-colored bean brownies contained protein and fiber with the increased average volume by 14.31 and 67.72%, respectively. According to customer acceptance testing (100 persons), it was found that 88% of consumers accepted and were willing to purchase brownie M2.

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How to Cite
Boonsean S, Boonbai N, Poonyim S, Sirisubjareon A, Ngamnikom P, Surin S. Development of Healthy Brownie from Three Colored Beans. J Appl Res Sci Tech [internet]. 2021 Feb. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];20(1):30-9. available from:
Research Articles


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