Water Quality Improvement by Biological Process for Public Water Resource: A Case Study Bueng Kaennakorn

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Pisit Tonkittirattanakul
Vanatpornratt Sawasdee
Sasitorn Hasin


This research aims to water quality improvement by bioaugmentation process (Biological) in Buen Kaennakorn. The selected microbes consist of 3 stains Pediococcus spp. Pichia spp. and Dekkera spp. that input into 10 points of Buen Kaennakorn. The parameters that effect to eutrophication phenomenon was measured. This research found that temperature in Buen Kaennakorn between 29-35 °C that suitable for growth of organisms, aquatic plants, and algae. The pH at release point of microorganisms was between 7.5-7.9 that also suitable for growth of organisms, aquatic plants, and algae. Dissolve oxygen (DO) was 4.5-10.8 mg L-1. The initial state, dissolve oxygen was less than 5 mg L-1 that was not suitable for rest area. After biological treatment with selected microbes that can be increase dissolve oxygen and lead to high water quality category 2 that suitable for rest area. In term of nitrogen: phosphorus ratio was
R = 11.155 mg L-1 that higher than 10. This ratio was showed the higher nitrogen in water resource and phosphorus was limits the eutrophication phenomenon in Buen Kaennakorn. After biological treatment with selected microbes that can be decrease the nitrogen: phosphorus ratio was R = 6.275 mg L-1 that can be reduced within specified range and was not affect to eutrophication phenomenon. In term of blue green algae that was investigated with optical microscope. The results showed that selected microbe can be destroy and decrease of algae. Therefore, the selected microbe that good choice can be used to water quality improvement in Buen Kaennakorn and effective for water quality improvement.

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How to Cite
Tonkittirattanakul P, Sawasdee V, Hasin S. Water Quality Improvement by Biological Process for Public Water Resource: A Case Study Bueng Kaennakorn. J Appl Res Sci Tech [internet]. 2020 Aug. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];19(2):25-33. available from: https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutt-journal/article/view/240516
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