The Semantic Knowledge Base Searching System for Promoting Cultural and Traditional of Mong Tribe, Bankeknoi, Kaokor District, Phetchabun Province using WordPress and Ontology

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Duangjhan Siharad


This research aims 1) to study knowledge structure and collect local cultural and traditional knowledge of Mong Tribe Bankeknoi, Kaokor District, Phetchabun Province 2) to develop the semantic knowledge searching system for promoting cultural and traditional local wisdom knowledge of Mong Tribe and 3) to assess performance and user’s satisfaction to semantic knowledge searching system. The sample of this research was 8 cultural and traditional academic persons, philosophers and computer and information academic persons of Bankeknoi subdistrict administration organization. The research instruments were in-depth interviews for collecting the local wisdom knowledge and user’s satisfaction questionnaire to the system.  The research found that semantic knowledge management system consists of function 4 parts 1) showing information in the web frontend 2) controlling contents and rendering format on WordPress 3) Integrating the ontology knowledgebase with data on WordPress and 4) Linking the knowledge contents with  social media. The ontology knowledgebase has totally 16 nodes, classified 3 levels which represented 4 knowledge groups 1) traditional and local wisdom 2) tour destination 3) accommodation and 4) Mong origin’s history and language. The result of performance assessment by f measure   was 88.9% and user satisfaction to system in overview was at highest (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.61, SD = 0.65).

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How to Cite
Siharad D. The Semantic Knowledge Base Searching System for Promoting Cultural and Traditional of Mong Tribe, Bankeknoi, Kaokor District, Phetchabun Province using WordPress and Ontology. J Appl Res Sci Tech [internet]. 2020 Oct. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];19(2):144-55. available from:
Research Articles


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