Feasibility Study the Methane Production with Co-digestion between Napier grass in Degrade Land and Swine Manure

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Vanatpornratt Sawasdee


This research was feasibility study the methane production with co-digestion between Napier grass in degrade land and swine manure. The feasibility consideration was divided into 2 parts: methane production and economic feasibility. The degrade land is saline, acid, and compact soil. The ratio of co-digestion between Napier grass and swine manure was 1:2 and the conditions were controlled for methane production with completely mixed. This research found that the methane production from acid soil was effective with cumulative methane 9 liters, methane production potential 9,280 ml, and maximum methane production rate 872.20 ml h-1, in term of Napier grass in saline, and compact soil were 2,936.57 and 1,967.75, respectively. The maximum methane production rate from Napier grass in saline, and compact soil were 767.45, and 910.56 ml h-1, respectively. The consideration of feasibility study for the project was studied benefit / cost ratio (B/C ratio), net present value (NPV), internal rate return (IRR), and payback period (PBP). The research found that B/C ratio was more than 1, B/C ratio is the first of factor that can be considered economic feasibility. Payback period was less than 1 year. NPV and Internal rate return (IRR) of Napier grass in acid soil were 95,991.95 bath and 117%, respectively. These factors showed that this project is worth to investment for methane production in household.

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How to Cite
Sawasdee V. Feasibility Study the Methane Production with Co-digestion between Napier grass in Degrade Land and Swine Manure. J Appl Res Sci Tech [internet]. 2021 Feb. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];20(1):1-8. available from: https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutt-journal/article/view/240400
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