Effect of Osmotic Solution Concentration on Mass Transfer and Quality of Melon after Osmosis

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Sunan Parnsakhorn
Jaturong Langkapin
Supanut Phriknunchan
Artipat Srichumpol


This research was to study the effect of osmotic solution concentration on mass transfer and quality of melon after osmosis. Melon cubes (2x2x2 cm) were immersed in glucose at the concentration of 40, 50 and 60°Brix for 0-5 hr. After the osmosis process for 5 hr, mass transfer parameters namely, water loss (WL) solid gain (SG) and weight reduction (WR), were evaluated. The result showed that concentrations of glucose affected mass transfer. The use of a 60°Brix glucose solution showed the highest (pgif.latex?\leq0.05) water loss (21.81%), solid gain (5.31%) and weight reduction (16.44%). Thus, this sample had lower moisture content and higher total soluble solid content when compared with a fresh melon. The good qualities of melon were presented for all 3 concentrations solution was 5 hr. Then, the effect of the osmotic solution on the quality of the melon osmosis product was investigated. The melon which was immersed in 60°Brix glucose solution had the highest value in term of hardness as 27.20 N, lightness as 49.63 and total soluble solid as 34.20°Brix (pgif.latex?\leq0.05) but the lower total color difference (gif.latex?\DeltaE*) as 12.10, water activity (aw) as 0.899 and moisture content 76.34%wb than others.

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How to Cite
Parnsakhorn S, Langkapin J, Phriknunchan S, Srichumpol A. Effect of Osmotic Solution Concentration on Mass Transfer and Quality of Melon after Osmosis. J Appl Res Sci Tech [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];19(2):132-43. Available from: https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutt-journal/article/view/240386
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