Development of Information System for Tracking External Research Funding of the Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi

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Nuthawan Thamawatcharakorn


Currently, the agencies involved in the research there is a need to monitor the results of operations. To be accurate, complete, convenient and fast. Monitoring in the old system used in the form of telephone and sending documents for inquiries is quite complicated. And managing time-consuming tasks monitoring that consumes a lot of time in addition, in the case of follow-up operations from one location to another location that is far away from each other still a problem this research therefore uses information technology to develop a work tracking system. It has been developed in the form of a web application to facilitate the users to be able to use easily, quickly and check the accuracy. Can be used in various locations that can connect to the internet. Performance tracking can report the progress of the operation and can verify that in what status the operation has been performed. The system developed using PHP Hypertext Preprocessor, a computer language such as scripting language. These languages ​​are stored in files called scripts and when used, it requires variables, such as JavaScript, Perl etc. Unlike other scripting languages, PHP was developed and designed for use in creating HTML documents that can automatically insert or edit content effectively and is the language used to communicate with the database MySQL's powerful website therefore is a tool used in research usage evaluation form which is the perfect tool for measuring range skill behaviors the practice is independent. Can be determined to suit the job or activity that needs to be measured. It appears that the developed system has a very good level of satisfaction therefore, it can be concluded that the information system for tracking external research funding of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi has been developed to be able to actually be used. Meets the needs of users and the system can support the tracking of external research funding of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi quickly and efficiently.

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How to Cite
Thamawatcharakorn N. Development of Information System for Tracking External Research Funding of the Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. J Appl Res Sci Tech [internet]. 2019 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];18(2):63-70. available from:
Research Articles


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