Design and fabrication of Green Fodder Shredding and Compressing Machine for Small Scale Farmer

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Roongruang Kalasirisilp
Napol Luengpipatsorn
Jaturong Langkapin


The research project entitled “development of green fodder shredding and compressing machine” was aimed to increase the working capacity as well as time and labor saving for animal feed shredding and compressing process. The machine consists of four main parts namely, steel frame, shredding unit, compressing unit and power transmission unit. The revolution speed of motor was selected at 1,300, 1,500 and 1,700 rpm.  Three shredding blade angles (15, 30 and gif.latex?40^{\circ}) were considered in this research. The performance parameters studied were working capacity, electrical consumption and economic analysis of green fodder shredding and compressing machine. Based on the test results, it was found that the 1,500 rpm of motor speed and gif.latex?40^{\circ} blade angle performed the best in terms of capacity and efficiency of the machine.  The performance tests of the machine showed that working capacity and electrical consumption were 229.4 kg/hr and 1.53 kW-h, respectively. An economic analysis further showed that the operation cost of the machine was 0.35 Baht/kg with the break even point of 195 hr/yr. Considering the working hour of 600 hr/yr, the pay back period of the machine was found to be 1.5 years.

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How to Cite
Kalasirisilp R, Luengpipatsorn N, Langkapin J. Design and fabrication of Green Fodder Shredding and Compressing Machine for Small Scale Farmer. J Appl Res Sci Tech [internet]. 2019 Jun. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];18(1):40-51. available from:
Research Articles


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