The Development of Website for Promotional Queue Education International Language Center

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Suteetida Soipoung
Romtheera Wattanawikkam
Hathairat Ketmaneechairat
Arnon Janthorn


Website development for Queue Education International Language Center has been created with the objectives of developing website for Queue Education International Language Center, and seeking out the user satisfaction of the website for the institution. Development tools include Sublime Text 2, PhotoScape 3.7, XAMPP, FileZilla, and jQuery as well as PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL language programs, and also MySQL program is used for collecting the data into database.The results of the test found that the system was divided into 3 parts according to the functions of users: administrator, member, and general user. The system can be used for applying for membership and taking various courses. Information was stored in order, and all historical data can be checked online. Quizzes can be performance online with the instant scores, and also the enrollment history can be detected through the website. The evaluation of user satisfaction was divided into 5 aspects: the quality of the website, the user satisfaction level was “fair” (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.18, S.D = 0.54). The level of user satisfaction on the convenience of website using was “fair”
(gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.39, S.D = 0.55). For the design of website, the user satisfaction level was “good” (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.42, S.D = 0.64). For the information aspect, the level of user satisfaction was “fair” (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.32, S.D = 0.64). Finally, for the website objectives aspect, the user satisfaction level was “good”
(gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.51, S.D = 0.66).

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How to Cite
Soipoung S, Wattanawikkam R, Ketmaneechairat H, Janthorn A. The Development of Website for Promotional Queue Education International Language Center. J Appl Res Sci Tech [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 12 [cited 2024 Oct. 24];18(1):14-2. Available from:
Research Articles


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