lactic acid bacteria, tepache, fermented fruit, probioticAbstract
Tepache, a traditional Mexican beverage made from fermented pineapple, is a popular non-alcoholic drink with growing commercial potential. This study aimed to modify the tepache formulation and screen for lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in the modified product. The optimized formula included kefir starter (5%), pineapple (20%), yam bean juice (30%), purple dragon fruit (10%), mangosteen (5%), apple (10%), sugar (10%), and water (10%) by volume. Fermentation was carried out under anaerobic conditions for 48 hours. Key parameters, including pH and total soluble solids (TSS), were monitored every 6 hours, alongside LAB screening and characterization. The pH decreased from 4.51 to 4.04, while TSS ranged from 12.13% to 9.87% (w/v) over the fermentation period. Microbial analysis showed an increase in cell density from 2.30 × 108 to 9.02 × 108 cells/mL and colony counts rising from 4.33 to 66.67 CFU/mL. Screening identified nine LAB isolates, including 4 cocci-shaped gram-positive and 5 rod-shaped gram-positive isolates, all catalase-negative. This study highlights the potential of modified tepache as a source of beneficial LAB strains for functional food applications.
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