About the Journal

Focus and Scope

This journal devoted to publish of 1) original research article and 2) invited review article. The published articles cover 1. Agricultural and ฺBiological sciences 2. Environmental Sciences 3. Health Sciences and 4. Multidisciplinary sciences.

Online ISSN 2730-3527

Print ISSN 2773-9201

1. Environmental Science
    1.1 General Environmental Science
    1.2 Ecological Modelling
    1.3 Ecology
    1.4 Environmental Chemistry
    1.5 Environmental Engineering
    1.6 Global and Planetary Change
    1.7 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
    1.8 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
    1.9 Nature and Landscape Conservation
    1.10 Pollution
    1.11 Waste Management and Disposal
    1.12 Water Science and Technology

2. Agricultural and Biological Sciences
    2.1 General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
    2.2 Agronomy and Crop Science
    2.3 Animal Science and Zoology
   2.4 Aquatic Science
   2.5 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
   2.6 Food Science
   2.7 Forestry
   2.8 Horticulture
   2.9 Insect Science
   2.10 Plant Science
   2.11 Soil Science

3. Chemistry
    3.1 General Chemistry
    3.2 Analytical Chemistry
    3.3 Electrochemistry
    3.4 Inorganic Chemistry
    3.5 Organic Chemistry
    3.6 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
    3.7 Spectroscopy

 Peer Review Process

This journal operates a double-blind review process. Each manuscript will be pre-screened by the editors for suitability for the journal. The manuscript may be accepted or rejected by the editors. Manuscripts deemed suitable are then sent to 3  referees for a double-blind peer review to assess the scientific quality. The editors evaluate the review results and make the decision as follows: 1) Accept without changes 2) Revisions Required 3) Reject.


Publication Frequency

Two issues are published a year.
Issue 1 : January-June
Issue 2 : July-December


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. After acceptance, the article will enter the production cycle and the author will be asked to pay the publication charge for 5,000 THB by bank transfer to Bangkok Bank, Account Name: Life Sciences and Environment Journal, Account No. 660-0-24248-8.    


Journal History

Formerly known as Journal of Sciences (2000 - 2012)

Formerly known as Rajabhat Journal of Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences (2013-2020) is a peer-reviewed journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University. The published articles cover multidisciplinary research, science and technology, education, humanities and social sciences. The journal is indexed in TCI Tier1 and indexed in ACI in November 2018. Two issues are published a year (January-June and July-December).

Currently known as Life Sciences and Environment Journal (2021-current) is a peer-reviewed journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University. The published articles cover 1. Agricultural and ฺBiological sciences 2. Environmental Sciences
3. Health Sciences and 4. Multidisciplinary sciences. The journal is indexed in TCI Tier 1 (2021-2024)  and indexed in ACI in November 2018. Two issues are published a year (January-June and July-December).