Filopaludina martensi martensi, Trematodes, Cercaria, MetacercariaAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the diversity and epidemic situation of larval trematodes in Filopaludina martensi martensi. The snails were collected from four sampling sites in the Hang Dong (Nong Kaeo and Harn Kaeo sub-districts) and Chom Thong districts (Ban Luang and Khuang Pao sub-districts), Chiang Mai province between February and December 2020. The results show that the highest % prevalence was found in the Harn Kaeo sub-district (18.52%), and the highest intensity was found in the Ban Luang sub-district (38,610.89), and the highest abundance was found in the Harn Kaeo sub-district (4,373.7). The morphology of larval trematodes was categorized using a compound microscope; sporocyst (sporocyst of xiphidiocercaria), four types of cercariae (xiphidiocercaria, cercariaeum cercaria, echinostome cercaria, and furcocercous cercaria), and two species of metacercariae (Echinostoma revolutum and Thapariella anastomusa).
In addition, the results show the cercaria that may be new species was cercariaeum cercaria and a new locality of strigea cercaria (furcocercous cercaria type) in the Chiang Mai province. In future research, the combination of traditional and molecular methods could be used to identify the cercariae species in F. martensi martensi. The data in this study may be useful for the control, prevention, and further monitoring of human and animal hygiene in the Chiang Mai province.
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