Water hyacinth, Residual waste, Green oak lettuceAbstract
A study of the effect of fermented water hyacinth and residual waste on germination and growth of Green oak lettuce aims to efficiently produce seedling media and substrate media for substituting imported media. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) of 7 treatments with 3 replications were assigned: Treatment 1 soil (control), Treatment 2 peat moss, Treatment 3-7 fermented water hyacinth and residual waste formula 1-5. The results revealed that fermented water hyacinth and residual waste from all 5 formulas presented statistical significance in germination and growth, especially in the formula 2. It is suitable for seedling media, providing the highest germination percentage and germination index. Moreover, the formula 5 is suitable for the production of substrate media as it provided the highest growth on plant height, canopy width, leaves number, root length and fresh weight.
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