Three-dimensional animation software, Learning, Behavioral intentionAbstract
The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that influence the behavioral intention in Learning Three-dimensional animation Software of animation majors in universities of Chengdu, China. The conceptual framework constructs the relationship among Perceived ease of use (PEOU), Perceived usefulness (PU), Self-efficacy (SE), Satisfaction (SAT), Enjoyment (ENJ), Social influence (SI), Behavioral intention (BI).The researchers used a quantitative method (n=500) to distribute questionnaires to students of three grades majoring in animation. Non-probabilistic sampling includes purposive sampling when selecting target students of animation major, Probabilistic sampling includes cluster sampling when selecting public universities in Chengdu, and stratified sampling of students of different grades when distributing surveys. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were used for the data analysis including model fit, reliability and validity of the constructs. The results of this paper show that perceived usefulness is the biggest factor that affects animation majors' behavioral intention of learning Three-dimensional animation software, while perceived ease of use has a significant impact on perceived usefulness, but has no significant direct impact on behavioral intention. Among other factors, social influence has been proved to have impact behavioral intention, satisfaction has a significant impact on students' behavioral intention of using Three-dimensional animation software, and self-efficacy directly affects satisfaction. Enjoyment factor has limited influence on students' learning Three-dimensional animation software. Therefore, the research suggests that in the course design and teaching of Three-dimensional animation major, we should start from the related factors of students' behavioral intention to create a better learning environment of technology and art.
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