
  • Khongdet Phasinam School of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Faculty of Food and Agricultural Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Phitsanulok, 65000
  • Kiattisak Nikhomchaiprasert
  • Weerachai Arjharn
  • Thanwamas Kassanuk


Biodiesel, Diesel engine, Engine performance, Engine wear


This research aimed to investigate the effect on wearing of diesel engines using a variety of fuels, including high speed diesel fuel, B20, B50 and B100. The experiment was divided into two parts: 1) engine performances test and 2) engine durability test. The test on engine performance at speeds ranging from 1,500 to 1,800 RPM indicated that B20 provided 2.72% more powers than high speed diesel fuel. However, the power obtained from B50 and B100 were less than that from high speed diesel fuel by 4.58% and 7.16%, respectively. Engine torque of B20 showed 3.24% greater than that of high speed diesel fuel. B50 and B100, on the other hand, showed less engine torque than that of high speed diesel fuel by 4.41% and 7.94%, respectively. Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) of B20 was found to be 23.15% less than that of high speed diesel fuel. On the contrary, the BSCFs of B50 and B100 were greater than that of high speed diesel fuel by 7.68% and 29.79%, respectively. Concerning the durability test at long-term 200 and 500 hours, the wearing of piston rings increased as the mixture ratio of biodiesel increased.


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How to Cite

Phasinam, K., Nikhomchaiprasert, K. ., Arjharn, W. ., & Kassanuk, T. . (2021). PERFORMANCE AND WEARING OF A DIESEL ENGINE WITH BLENDS OF BIODIESEL AND HIGH SPEED DIESEL. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 22(1), 48–61. retrieved from



Research Articles