
  • Kingkamol Leelajaruwan


Banana flour, Kluai hin, Breadsticks, Wheat flour, Resistant starch


The objective of this research was to determine the effect of wheat flour substitution with saba banana (kluai hin) flour on physical and organoleptic qualities of breadsticks. Saba banana (kluai hin) were peeled and rinsed in citric acid solution (0.3% w/v), cut into 2-3 mm. and immediately soaked in citric acid solution (0.3% w/v) for 30 minutes, then drained. The slices were dried at 50 °C using tray dryer, ground using a commercial grinder, sieved and packed in sealed containers then stored in dry place at room temperature. The saba banana flour composed of 10.36 % moisture, 2.72 % protein, 1.24 % fat, 1.67% ash and 66.86 % resistant starch respectively. The effect of wheat flour substitution with saba banana flour at the levels of 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 % by weight of wheat flour on breadsticks qualities were further carried out. Increasing the level of saba banana flour decreased L* value and specific volume but increased a*, b* value and hardness of the product. Substitution level of 20% saba banana flour did not cause a significant different of product qualities in terms of appearance, color, flavor, crispiness and overall acceptability.


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How to Cite

Leelajaruwan, K. (2020). EFFECT OF PARTIAL SUBSTITUTION OF WHEAT FLOUR WITH SABA BANANA (KLUAI HIN) FLOUR ON THE PHYSICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC QUALITIES OF BREADSTICKS. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 21(2), 409–419. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/psru/article/view/241644



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