
  • Supit Boonlab
  • Issara Siramaneerat
  • Kamolthip Vijitsoonthornkul


Demographic factors, Risk factors, Health insurance system, Paralysis


Paralysis risk of patients were from many reasons including demographic factors, risk factors and health insurance system. The research aim was to study the effects of demographic factors, risk factors and health insurance system on paralysis of Thai population. Secondary data from the Thai Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health was used in this study. The sample was 22,496 people aged 15-79 years in 12 health service areas. The statistics used in the study were frequency, percentage and logistic regression at the statistical significance level of 0.05. Results revealed that demographic factor, i.e., females have a greater risk than males (Odd ratio = -0.383), age 60-79 years old have a greater risk than 15-39 years old (Odd ratio = 2.108), primary school has a greater risk than no education (Odd ratio = 1.102), and professional has a greater risk than people without a job (Odd ratio = 1.256). Risk factor comprised of exercise (Odd ratio = -0.110) and smoking while government or state enterprise officers were a lower risk than no insurance program (Odd ratio = 1.733 and 2.326).


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How to Cite

Boonlab, S., Siramaneerat, I., & Vijitsoonthornkul, K. (2020). DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS, RISK FACTORS AND HEALTH INSURANCE SYSTEMS AFFECTING TO PARALYSIS OF THAI POPULATION. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 21(2), 337–346. retrieved from



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