
  • Montakarn Boonyakarn Faculty of Science, Payap University
  • Sukanya Keawsa-ard Faculty of Science, Payap University
  • Piranchana Phanusan Faculty of Science, Payap University


Longan, Roselle, Inulin, Longan-Roselle Jam


This research attempted to develop longan-roselle jam. Jam was made with longan pulp contents of 50, 62.5, and 75% and compared. Results showed that the most preferred sensory qualities as achieved with formulations containing longan pulp content of 62.5%. The optimum formula of longan-roselle jam consisted of 35% longan pulp, 21% roselle, 28% sugar, 14% inulin, 1% pectin and 1% of 50% (w/w) citric acid solution. According to consumer tests, this product was acceptable to 94.2% of target consumer group. The color of longan-roselle jam in terms of L, a and b were 30.1, 0.2 and 3.3 respectively. The product had water activity 0.82, gel strength 177.85 g force, spreadability 3.85 mm, pH 2.82, titratable acidity (as citric acid) 1.04%, total soluble solid 66.2Brix and antioxidant activity by DPPH assay 84.50 mg Trolox equivalent/100 g. The energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, total sugar, reducing sugar, moisture and ash of jam were 271.26 kcal/100g, 0.67, 4.14, 57.83, 59.36, 32.02, 36.77 and 0.59 g/100g, respectively. The product which inulin adding contained 0.92 g/100 g of dietary fiber content. The dietary fiber was increased only 1.6% of the Thai Recommended Daily Intake (Thai RDI) compared with jam without inulin added. When the product was analyzed for microbial quality, microbe content was shown to be less than 10 CFU/g for total plate count, yeast and molds, and less than 3.0 MPN/g for coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli.


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How to Cite

Boonyakarn, M. ., Keawsa-ard , S., & Phanusan, P. (2020). PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT OF LONGAN-ROSELLE JAM. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 21(1), 43–54. retrieved from



Research Articles