
  • Sittichai Thongworn MFU


personality traits, weight control, self-regulation


The purposes of present study were to investigate reliability of the personality inventory from International Personality Item Pools (IPIP) (50 items) which was translated into Thai language, to develop the self-regulation of weight control scale, and to analyze the relationships of both variables among undergraduate students. The participants in this study were 342 undergraduate students who were under weight control. A voluntary response sample was used in this study. The IPIP personality inventory and the self-regulation of weight control scale were main measurements. Internal consistency was analyzed by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Moreover, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis were used to analyze construct validity and relationships between personality traits and weight control specific self-regulation. The results showed that the IPIP personality inventory and the self-regulation of weight control scale had good internal consistency (α = 0.763 – 0.933). Furthermore, this study also found that the relationships between personality traits and self-regulation of weight control were statistically significant (p < .001). An understanding of the personality traits and self-regulation would be helpful to those healthcare professionals to evaluate, conceptualize and analyze the directions to improve self-regulation behaviors of individuals. However, there is a need to further expand the study of self-regulation processes and the relationship between personality traits and self-regulation in the various samples and more diverse behaviors.


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How to Cite

Thongworn, S. (2019). PERSONALITY TRAITS AND SELF-REGULATION OF WEIGHT CONTROL AMONG UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 20(2), 338–353. retrieved from



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