
  • Wirot Likittrakulwong
  • Norakamol Laorodphan
  • Pisit Poolprasert
  • Rangsun Charoensook
  • Tossaporn Incharoen


chicken, very low density lipoprotein/vitellogenin receptor gene, single nucleotide polymorphism


Very Low Density Lipoprotein/Vitellogenin (VLDL/VTG)receptor gene plays crucial roles in laying hen production.In this study, we investigated genetic polymorphism of the VLDL/VTG receptor gene in four chicken breeds:-Rhode Island Red (RR), Single-Comb White Leghorn (WL), Commercial Breeds (HyLine brown chicken, HL)and Hybrid Red Jungle Fowl (Kai-Tor). PCR technique was used to amplify VLDL/VTG receptor gene with three specific primers that were designed to complement the unique 5’flanking region of VLDL/VTG receptor gene at location of -1351to -1599.One SNPs (A-1393G)was identified in the 5´flanking region of VLDL/VTG receptor gene. The association of these SNPs with egg traits and growth performance were examined.The body weight (BW), egg weight at first egg (EW) and b-value of shell color of the AA genotype were significantly higher than those of the GG genotype (p<0.05).In contrast, the total eggshell color (ESC)and L-value of shell color of the AA genotype were significantly lower than those of the GG genotype (p<0.05).Positive phenotypic correlations were found among BW and EW (0.712), BW and a-value (0.435), EW and a-value (0.642).In addition, negative phenotypic correlations were found among a-value and L-value (-0.833), ESC and BW (-0.320), and ESC and EW (-0.545) were negative.This paper confirmed that VLDL/VTG receptor could be a candidate gene related to egg traits and growth performance


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How to Cite

Likittrakulwong, W., Laorodphan, N., Poolprasert, P., Charoensook, R., & Incharoen, T. (2018). ASSOCIATION OF SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISM IN VLDL/VTG RECEPTOR GENE POLYMORPHISM WITH EGG PRODUCTION AND GROWTH PERFORMANCE TRAITS IN FOUR CHICKENS BREEDS. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 19(2), 287–296. retrieved from



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