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Aim and Scope

            The primary objective of the Naresuan University Engineering Journal (NUEJ) is to publish high-quality research articles presenting contemporary developments in theory, design, and applications in all areas of Engineering, Science, and Technology, including research in Civil, Environmental, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Industrial, Chemical, and Material Engineerings. NUEJ covers all multidisciplinary research in associated areas, such as Mechatronics, Energy, Industrial and Engineering Design, Manufacturing Technology, Engineering Management, and Medical Engineering.

Journal Policies

            Naresuan University Engineering Journal (NUEJ) is open access system which uses Double-blind peer review journal, According to broaden the Engineering and Technology develop the NUEJ has  for Thai society and global. “No Charge policy of  any publication fee”, regularly published with 2 issues per year (January – June, and July – December). Submissions must be original, unpublished works, and not currently under review by other journals. NUEJ will consider only submitted works which respect research ethics, including confidentiality, consent, and the special requirements for human and animal research. All research articles dealing with human or animal subjects must attach an approval certificate from the appropriate Ethics Committee. Additionally, the research articles dealing with human subjects must provide evidence of informed consent

 Editorial board of NUEJ reserves the right to decide whether the submitted manuscript should be accepted for publication. The final decision of the editorial board cannot be appealed.

The submitted manuscript has to be written in English only, and can be in Microsoft Word (doc or docx) or PDF file format. The corresponding author is required to register and submit the manuscript at


ISSN : 2651-1568 (Online)

Electronic journal Has been service since issue number 13, issue 2, July - December 2018 henceforward



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Vol. 19 No. 2 (2024): July-December 2024

Published: 2024-12-27

Marine Predators Algorithm for discrete optimization problems: a review of the state-of-the-art

Niracha Bunkham, Chaitamlong Pongpattanasiri, Saisumpan Sooncharoen


Investigation Seismic Response in Phitsanulok Province

Tipwimol Taekratok, Thaweesak Taekratok


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