Adaptation Measure to Sea Level Rise by Beach Nourishment at Banpae Beach, Rayong Province


  • Pattrakorn Nidhinarangkoon Department of Civil Engineer, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Sompratana Ritphring Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University


Beach nourishment, Sea level rise, Coastal erosion, Bruun rule


Coastal zone is one of the most dynamic areas in the world. More than 70 percent of the coastal areas around the world are experiencing the effect of sea level rise. In addition, Climate change has exacerbated the intensity and frequency of coastal disasters. The gradual erosion of the coast owing to the shoreline recovery process is the direct effect of sea level rise. The economy is affected severely by the loss of tourism beaches more than other types of beaches. This study aims to use Bruun rule with the field investigation to analyze the future beach loss due to sea level rise at Banpae tourism beach, which is located in Rayong Province. The beach nourishment was determined to be the adaptation measure in this study. Results showed that the average loss of beach width will be about 16–27 meters and the average beach volume is projected to be lost about 5.0–8.4 hundred thousand cubic meters. The cost of adaptation to sea level rise in the future by using beach nourishment was estimated about 294–493 million baht for the future scenarios, respectively. The results will support the planning of adaptation to sea level rise for Banpae beach and other tourism beaches in the further.


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How to Cite

P. . Nidhinarangkoon and S. . Ritphring, “Adaptation Measure to Sea Level Rise by Beach Nourishment at Banpae Beach, Rayong Province”, Eng. & Technol. Horiz., vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 15–23, Jun. 2023.



Research Articles