An investigation of Indicators for Population Density and Immigration in Bangkok: A Comparative Study of Transportation, Economy, Residence, Healthcare and Education Factors
Population density, Population immigration, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok)Abstract
This research studies the factors which have effects on the population distribution and their migration. The researcher collected the data from 50 districts in Bangkok. The five main factors are transportation, economy, residence, medication and education. All factors comprise 18 variables in total, the data concerning each variable was collected from each district in Bangkok. For the data analysis, the Geo-detector software was used in the data processing stage. The results show that “there are 5 influential factors that mostly contribute to the population distribution and their migration” which are “the length of main roads”, “the nearest distance from Don Mueang International Airport”, “the nearest distance from Suvarnabhumi Airport”, “the average monthly expenses”, and “the number of condominiums”. When the 5 variables are detected with other factors, this leads to the population density and migration. Bangkok development planning can apply this software. It can help government agencies and state enterprises decide on the suitable projects. These findings beneficially support the decision involving Bangkok development plan since it can solve the problem concerning the unbalance population distribution which may occur in the future. For this research, the researcher has learned how to use Geo-detector software. Besides, the researcher can also use Geo-detector software to deal with other problems in Thailand.
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