Applying the Model of Goal-Directed Behavior to Explain Cycling Behaviors Characterised by Traveler’s Gender and Car Ownership in Chonburi Urban Areas


  • Surames Piriyawat Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Burapha University
  • Chaturong Intanu Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Burapha University


The Model of Goal-Directed Behavior, Travel Behavior, Bicycle, Chonburi


This article presents the explaining of trying to use bicycle of travelers in Chonburi urban areas. The random sampling technique was employed for selecting 750 samples from the focused groups in studied areas, Mueang Chonburi, Sriracha, and Banglamung districts. After proving all data, useable 597 data sets were analysed by Structural Equation Modeling to reveal the influences of independent factors to the effort to cycling in daily life. The Model of Goal-Directed Behavior was used as the theoretical framework to structuring the variables in the model. The analysing processes were characterised by gender and car ownership in order to compare the results from each group. The results found that the focused group’s past cycling behavior role as the significant factor which influence the trying to cycling for non-rational behavioral processes for both those characterised by gender and car ownership. Furthermore, the results also show that subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and positive anticipated emotion on cycling significantly impact the desire to cycling. However, the attitudes perform as significant factors on desire specifically for the model of male and car occupant groups.


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How to Cite

S. . Piriyawat and C. . Intanu, “Applying the Model of Goal-Directed Behavior to Explain Cycling Behaviors Characterised by Traveler’s Gender and Car Ownership in Chonburi Urban Areas”, Eng. & Technol. Horiz., vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 33–52, Sep. 2021.



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