Reduction of Risk Behavior for Operators by Using Behavior Based Safety (BBS) Technique: A Case Study of Watch-Part Manufacturing and Assembly Factory


  • ศิริพร เข็มทอง
  • สิทธิพร พิมพ์สกุล


Behavior Based Safety,, Risk Priority Number,, Accident, Attitude,, Behavior


An objective of this study is to reduce risk behavior for operators using Behavior Based Safety (BBS) technique in a sub-assembly section in a watch-part manufacturing and assembly factory. Sample in this study includes 43 operators working in the sub-assembly section. This study is a survey research using a questionnaire to measure level of safety attitude and safety behavior. Researcher applies the Behavior Based Safety technique to the sample. Supervisors and section representatives define target safety behaviors by using Risk Priority Number (RPN). The researcher trains supervisors and section representatives about how to apply BBS technique, how to observe the target safety behaviors, and how to follow up and feed back. Result after this study indicates that the operators can achieve 100% of the target safety behaviors within 14 weeks. Result from the questionnaire also indicates that safety attitude and safety behavior are in a good level by improving from 83.7% to 100.0% and 69.8% to 100.0%, respectively.


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How to Cite

เข็มทอง ศ. and พิมพ์สกุล ส. . ., “Reduction of Risk Behavior for Operators by Using Behavior Based Safety (BBS) Technique: A Case Study of Watch-Part Manufacturing and Assembly Factory”, Eng. & Technol. Horiz., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 43–48, Jun. 2020.



Research Articles