Utilization of Geo-Technology in the Formulation and Design of an Optimal Irrigation System for Durian Farm
Water System Design and Management, Durian Farm, Geo-TechnologyAbstract
The primary objective of this study is to analyze water management strategies within a durian plantation, aiming to streamline expenses and bolster operational efficiency in water distribution. Leveraging satellite-derived geographic data, the research encompasses comprehensive area assessments and devises an optimized water infrastructure layout. The findings underscore the feasibility of employing QGIS software for precision irrigation tailored to expansive durian plantations. Notably, meticulous calculations addressing pressure loss in the water pump network and the meticulous selection of conduit sizes—advocating a 3-inch main pipe and a 2-inch secondary conduit—contribute significantly to sustaining ideal water flux. The proposed implementation includes a recommended 3-horsepower water pump estimated at 47,550 baht to service the entire system. Anticipated challenges encompass potential pipe leakages and the maintenance of consistent water pressure to ensure adequate flow. This study serves as a pioneering initiative in agricultural water resource management, presenting a robust model reliant on geospatial technology, furnishing an efficient framework adaptable to various growth stages in durian cultivation.
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