Utilization of Open data to analyze hotspots distribution in Northern Thailand


  • Sawarin Lerk-u-suke Department of Geographic Information Science, School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao
  • Ponpan Rueangwongngam Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment Uthai Thani, Uthai Thani


Open Data, Hotspots, Satellite Data, Spatial Analysis


Open data can be increased the performance of government services and economic growth in private sector. Benefits of open data utilization are turn data and knowledge into new business models and innovation data services. This study aims to explore various sources of available open data for demonstrating the use of open data to analysis spatial distribution and to quantify of occurred hotspots in the Northern Thailand. Administrative boundary and the hotspots data from Fire Information for Resource Management System (NASA FIRMS) are used as a dataset, coupled with spatial analysis technique; Kernel density estimation, for examining the hotspot occurrences. The results show the pattern and distribution of occurred hotspots of Northern Thailand from 2001 - 2020. The three most found hotspots are in Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, and Nan province and the most occurred hotspots are on March, 55 percent of found hotspots, April, and February respectively.


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