Application of Google Earth Imagery for Studying Tree Canopy Cover in Rajamangala University of Technology ISAN
Google Earth Imagery, Tree Crown Cover, Visual interpretationAbstract
The objective of this research is to study tree crown cover using Google Earth imagery and visual interpretation in Rajamangala University of Technology ISAN (RMUTI). This study focused on interpretation of Jamjulee and other trees’ canopy using the recorded Google Earth image on February 17, 2020 and accuracy assessment based on ground checking. The tree crown cover and the amount of Particular Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) trapping were calculated by i-Tree canopy. The results founded that the tree canopy studying-based visual interpretation required to the distinctive feature such as shape with a covering spread of approximately 5-15 sq.m. and texture resolution with greater than the other canopy. The distribution and density of tree crown covered mostly appear in the residential area. Jamjulee canopy includes large stems and many years old with branches, extending far and the ends at ground cover or parallel to the ground slightly, an eye-catching shape, an open area where is suitable for location of required shade. For other trees’ canopy, they are generally distributed along buildings offices and residents with small stem and crown because they are trees that were taken from other places and adding beauty to the landscape in RMUTI ISAN. Tree crown covers are totally 88.46.rai (26.80%), are divided by Jamjulee 12.15 rai (3.68%), other trees 23.13 rai (76.31%) and non-crown cover 241.54 rai (73.19%). In addition, calculation of i-Tree Canopy shows the amount of PM2.5 trapping of total tree crown cover 3,658.67 oz, are separated by Jamjulee crown 991.72 oz (27.11%) and others crown 2,666.95 oz (72.89%), Consequence, this research expects to be the spatial information for managing green areas and environment in RMUTI ISAN further.