An Experimental Study on Performance Desalination of Solar Still with Sunray-Reflecting Sheets

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Jaruwat Jareanjit
Banyat Niyomvas


This research is an experimental study of desalination of a solar still with sunray-reflecting sheets,
which developed from a basin-shaped solar still. The solar still with sunray-reflecting sheets is 600 mm x 600
mm. in size covered with a 3 mm. transparent glass with inclining 15๐ of angle. To enhance the sunray
absorption around the basin, the solar still was designed with an installation of sunray-reflecting mirrors with
the inclining angle of 30๐ in 4 sides. This was to reflect sunray on the absorbing area at noon as much as
possible. The sunray was also reflected on the glass covering the solar still to increase the temperature
exploiting the effect of a greenhouse effect. To transmit heat to diluents or brine, the square wave zinc sheets
painted with black matt paint were placed around the basin with an increased area from 0.36 m2 with the flat
sheets to be 0.474 m2 or increased heat transfer area 30% with square wave sheets. In this work, two solar still
were designed, constructed and performance tested for a subsequent comparison of similar variables
collected during the same duration of 09:00 am – 03:00 pm. Two experiment conditions were: 1) to compare
the distilled water collected from the normal solar still without reflecting sheets in 3 water levels: 19 mm.
(parallel the square wave sheet, a reduced evaporation area of 0.15 m2):, 20 mm. and 30 mm; 2) to compare 2
desalination systems: continuous desalination system and batch desalination system, using the best water
level obtained in 1. To compare the desalination performance, the better desalination system was used with a
solar still with sunray-reflecting sheets and a solar still without sunray-reflecting sheets. The result revealed
that the batch desalination system at a water level of 20 mm. yielded the best performance. When the best
product was used with a solar still with sunray-reflecting sheets and a solar still without sunray-reflecting
sheets, the results yielded the distillation rates of 2.35 litre/m2and 1.93 litre/m2 respectively. The product by the
solar still with sunray-reflecting sheets was 21.55% higher varying on a evaporation area and sunray values
with significant indication.

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How to Cite
Jareanjit, J., & Niyomvas, B. (2013). An Experimental Study on Performance Desalination of Solar Still with Sunray-Reflecting Sheets. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 38(3), 265–274. retrieved from