Peer Review Process

Engineering and Applied Science Research (EASR) employs a double-blind peer review system, which is considered a more effective method as it reduces potential bias from both reviewers and authors. In this system, reviewers do not know the identities of the manuscript authors, and the review information is kept confidential. The steps in the process are as follows:

Step 1: Submission

The corresponding or submitting author submits the paper to EASR via the ThaiJO online system only. Using the designated online submission system ensures that the manuscript is properly received, processed, and reviewed by the journal's editorial team. This system simplifies the submission procedure and helps keep contributions organized.

Step 2: Initial Check

The editorial team checks whether the submitted manuscript adheres to the journal’s author guidelines, ensuring that it contains less than 25% similarity overall, with no more than 4% similarity to any individual source. Additionally, no parts or paragraphs should be entirely copied from other sources. The paper's quality is not evaluated at this stage.

Step 3: Pre-Screening

The Editor-in-Chief reviews the submitted manuscript, evaluating its scope, aims, originality, scientific merit, and significance. If the manuscript does not meet these standards, it may be rejected at this stage.

Step 4: Assign an Associate Editor

The Editor-in-Chief assigns an Associate Editor to oversee the peer review process for the submitted manuscript. The Associate Editor will manage the review process.

Step 5: Invite Reviewers (Peer Review)

The Associate Editor sends invitations to experts in fields related to the manuscript's scope. If responses are not received, further invitations are sent until the required number of reviewers (typically at least two) is secured. EASR uses a double-blind peer review process in which neither the reviewers nor the authors know each other's identities.

Step 6: Evaluate the Reviews

The Associate Editor considers all returned comments and suggestions before making a recommendation regarding the manuscript's suitability for publication. If reviewer opinions differ significantly, the Associate Editor may invite an additional reviewer for further evaluation before making a final decision.

Step 7: Evaluate Final Decisions

The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision regarding acceptance, rejection, or revision of the manuscript. After revisions are submitted, the Editor-in-Chief reviews the updated manuscript and makes a final decision on its acceptance for publication.

Step 8: Prepare the Final Version

Once accepted, the manuscript undergoes copyediting and formatting for publication. This process is typically completed within one week.

Step 9: Confirm the Final Version

The formatted manuscript is sent back to the authors for verification of accuracy. This process takes about one week. After any necessary corrections are made, the final version is checked and confirmed by the authors before being sent back to the Editor-in-Chief.

Step 10: Publication

After receiving the authors' confirmation, the Journal Editorial Office conducts a final evaluation of the manuscript before it is published in the online journal system.