Dear EASR Journal members,
For manuscripts submitted from 1 April 2025 onward, authors will be required to pay a one-time article processing charge (APC) of 7,000 Baht upon formal manuscript acceptance. (Announced on: 27/12/2024)
Dear EASR Journal members,
From December 9th 2022 onward, the journal will change its submission and reviewing platform from the Editorial Manager (EM) to the ThaiJo system (ThaiES).
For manuscripts submitted via EM system before December 9th 2022, the review will continue to be carried out using the Editorial Manager (EM) until the process is completed. (Announced on: 8/12/2022)
Dear EASR Journal members,
From August 23rd, 2021 onward, the journal will be pre-screening manuscripts via Thaijo system. Once the manuscripts pass the prescreening process, the editor will register the manuscripts on the Editorial Manager (EM). Authors will then receive a link submission to fill out information in the EM and continue the reviewing process. (Announced on: 19/8/2021)
Dear EASR Journal members,
From January 15th 2021 onward, the journal will be changing the submission system to Editorial Manager (EM). Authors who make new submissions will need to register in the new EM system.
Those who submit manuscripts by January 14th 2021, the submissions still follow the current submission system (ThaiJo) until reviewing processes are completed. (Announced on: 4/1/2021)
Engineering and Applied Science Research (EASR) changes in publication frequency in 2021
EASR had regularly published 4 issues per year in 2017-2020. We are pleased to announce that the journal will be publishing 6 issues per year from 2021 onward. The journal has been continuously improved and gained more attention from international readers and authors. The journal aims to publish high quality research work related to engineering and applied science disciplines. (Announced on: 23/7/2020)
Engineering and Applied Science Research (EASR) has now been accepted for inclusion in the Scopus database
We are pleased to inform readers and the authors that EASR has now been accepted for inclusion in the Scopus database. All aspects of the journal have been improved with helps, suggestions and supervision from the TCI-TRF-SCOPUS collaboration project. (Announced on: 18/1/2018)
The journal name has been changed
We would like to inform you that the “KKU Engineering Journal” has been renamed the “Engineering and Applied Science Research”. The journal title has been changed since January 2017 (Vo.44 No.1 January-March 2017). As of January 2020, The journal was approved to be included in the Tier 1 on science and technology by the Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI, The journal will be indexed in TCI until 31 December 2024. The journal is also indexed in ASEAN citation index (ACI,, Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), Google Scholar and the EBSCOhost. (Announced on: 5/1/2017)