Development of Teaching and Learning in Construction Technology Course, Architecture Studying, Bachelor of Architecture Program (B.A.) in Thai Higher Education Institutions Using Creative Ideas and Theories of Synectics
Learning and Teaching, Construction Technology, SynecticsAbstract
The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the concepts and theory of synectics in the learning process and problem solving of teaching and learning management; and 2) study guidelines for developing and solving problems on teaching construction technology environment based on the concept of synectics theory. The population of 726 people were randomly selected for 270 samples consisting of 30 teachers, 200 graduates, 20 architects, and 20 engineers. The research instrument was a questionnaire based on opinions, obstacles, and management problems in 3 areas, i.e., teaching and learning management, related technology, and environmental aspects about empty spaces and buildings. Research statistics included frequency values and percentage.
The results of the research were as follows: 1) the concept of synectics theory in the learning process and problem solving of teaching and learning management was based on the process of analyzing psychological problems by making strange problems familiar and make familiar problems strange. The ideas to solve the problems through the creative thinking approach comprised: 1.1) Self-centered metaphor, 1.2) Direct metaphor, 1.3) Law-based metaphor, and 1.4) Idealistic metaphor. This can be conducted by determining the problems with some desires far from any reasons or traditional believes. Teaching construction technology environment was based on the concept of synectics theory suggesting the teacher by assuming he was a learner gave the opinion that there should be a development in teaching to encourage learners. Independent study focusing on problem solving skills should be integrated in learning activities as much as possible. There should be the development of learning skills to enable learners to think and solve problems during the learning activities. The teacher should provide a clear explanation in a simple way with important basic skills for their professions in the future. Regarding the body of technological knowledge, the teacher by assuming he was a learner suggested that there should be a development on the integration of systematic learning and teaching. Graduates, architects and engineers by assuming themselves teachers had an opinion that there should be an encouragement in a continuous practice to create expertise with skillfulness by supporting the resources necessary for knowledge development. It was also suggested that teaching area should have facilities for both teacher and students with good environment and interesting good atmosphere. There should be an area for workshop to practice a real construction work. Modern technology for exhibitions should be provided. The building should be suitable for varieties of activities with enough equipment to support teaching for a construction work system.
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