Study on the Properties of Hot-melt Adhesives from Rubber Latex Added with Bhodi Latex as a Substance to Increase the Toughness


  • Prachya Kanchanarat Department of Rubber Technology and Polymer, Suratthani Technical College
  • Sattaya Hattiya Department of Rubber Technology and Polymer, Suratthani Technical College
  • Saifon Kaewsom Department of Rubber Technology and Polymer, Suratthani Technical College
  • Nuchjaree Suksai Department of Rubber Technology and Polymer, Suratthani Technical College
  • Nathamon Thamsiripaibool Department of Rubber Technology and Polymer, Suratthani Technical College


Natural Rubber, Bhodi Latex


Hot-melt adhesive has a wide range of applications. It is normally used at the melting point temperature to bind materials when it is cooled and becomes solid. This is different from other types of adhesives that can bind materials or becomes solid after the evaporation of solvent or water. It is able to adhere to various types of materials such as metal, wood, etc. Natural rubber is commonly used as pressure-sensitive glue which requires pressing process to better adhere to the surface of the materials. Adhesive properties can be strengthen by using adhesive additives such as coumarone resin, petroleum resin, etc., due to their good adhesive properties. Moreover, the properties can be enhanced by using paraffin wax as a substance to help adjust viscosity of glue and make it harden faster.

Natural rubber is an important economic crop of the southern region. With its toughness properties and good adhesion to various materials, the researcher is interested in studying the adhesion properties of para rubber glue added by natural adhesive substances that can be used in commercial scale applications by using latex from Bhodi tree to increase adhesion efficiency of hot-melt rubber glue. When compared with coumarone resins used as commercial adhesives, it was found that the rubber glue mixed with Bhodi latex has better adhesion efficiency.


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