Multitemporal Analysis of Landsat Data for Forest Cover Changes Detection, Tab Lan National Park

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Dr. Sunsanee Maneechot
Assistant Professor Tula Khomkit Manorat


This study was conducted according to two research objectives: 1) to categorize vegetation canopy density with forest canopy cover analysis; and 2) to observe patterns of forest canopy changes by multi-temporal LANDSAT imagery for protective forest –Tub Lan National Park (TLNP) and buffer distance 5 kilometers.In addition, vegetation canopy density classification was created from the integration between Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and analysis of Forest Canopy Density (FCD) into a model of Soil Vegetation Canopy Density: (SVCD). The forest canopy density was classified into four levels: non-forested areas, low forest cover density, moderate forest cover density, and high forest cover density. The study found that study area was calculated in percentages of the overall areas at 15.75, 15.84, 13.80, and 54.61 respectively, with 85.07 percent of overall accuracy and 0.795 of kappa coefficient. Then, the method of vegetation canopy density classification in the first objective was used to categorize images from LANDSAT-5 TM and LANDSAT-8 OLI. Then, the 3-year pairs of vegetation  canopy changes were measured by using the overlay analysis. The forest canopy changes pattern was classified into four patterns: deforestation, FCD Loss, FCD Gain, and no Change. It found that in the 20-year time since 1999-2019 was invaded and destroyed at approximately 15.35 square-kilometers per year and the ratio of loss of forest canopy density changes was averagely at 11.44 square-kilometers per year.

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How to Cite
S. . Maneecho and T. . Khomkit Manorat, “Multitemporal Analysis of Landsat Data for Forest Cover Changes Detection, Tab Lan National Park”, Crma. J., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 76–95, Sep. 2021.
Research Articles


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