Submersible load cells for triaxial tests

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ปิยะฉัตร ฉัตรตันใจ
ชนม์พิสิทธิ์ ยาท้วม
ชนกันต์ โคจรนา


The main purpose of this research is to study and design a 5 kN artificial submersible load cell of triaxial tests. In order to eradicate the effect of the skin friction between piston bar and the triaxial cell on measured vertical load, this load cell was designed to install inside the triaxial cell. The finite element method was not only used to determine the suitable model geometry and the thickness of diaphragm but also the position for installation of strain gauges. The effect of skin friction and confining pressure were evaluated by a particular calibration method which the load cell and the calibrated spring were all placed inside the triaxial cell. The calibration processes were performed under several confining pressures and for loading and unloading conditions. According to the testing results, this artificial submersible load cells has very good linearity and accuracy and there is no effect on confining pressure and skin friction for measurement the high-accurate vertical load.

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How to Cite
ฉัตรตันใจ ป., ยาท้วม ช., and โคจรนา ช., “Submersible load cells for triaxial tests”, Crma. J., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 107–122, Dec. 2018.
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