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  • Nachchawakorn Hongkhong -
  • Benchawan Chewprecha


Pollen, Local durian, Cultivars characteristic


This research aims to study pollen morphological characters which is specific feature in Durio zibethinus L.. The study of pollen morphology of 10 durian cultivars in Rayong province was made during November 2021 to January 2022. There are 7 cultivars of local durian, namely Kradum Thong, Saochom Fakthong, Longlap–Lae, I-Men, Metnai Yaiprang, Noun Thongjan, and Phuang Mani and 3 commercial durian cultivars, namely Moan Thong, Chani, and Kan Yao. Each cultivar was collected from 10 plants with 5 florals. The pollen preparation procedure has been undertaken by acetolysis method. The pollen characters were examined by compound light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed common pollen characteristics of 10 cultivars with medium-sized (average polar view 43.19 µm) tricolporate aperture type and psilate exine. These characteristics shaped can be used to classify durian pollen of 10 cultivars into 3 groups. 1) suboblate shaped groups include Kradum Thong, Kan Yao, Chani, Metnai Yaiprang, and Moan Thong. 2) oblate spheroidal shaped groups include Noun Thongjan, Phuang Mani, and Long LapLae. 3) prolate spheroidal shaped groups include I-Men. In addition, Pollen grains were found in Metnai Yaiprang which present the large size group (polar view 51.36 µm). The data obtained from this study, can be used as supplementary information for the species identification. As well as application in breed improvement, and used to track pollinators.


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How to Cite

Hongkhong, N., & Chewprecha, B. . (2023). POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF DURIAN CULTIVARS IN RAYONG PROVINCE. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 8(2), 93–104. Retrieved from



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