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  • Thanaphon Wiangthong
  • Padipan Tinprabath
  • Prasert Wirotecheewan
  • Nataporn Chindaprasert Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon


ทอร์รีแฟคชัน, ฟางข้าว , ชีวมวล


Thailand is an agricultural country with the area of rice cultivation accounting for 51% of the total agricultural area. The rice cultivation yields an agricultural waste, which is rice straw about 35 million tons per year. However, some farmers burn rice straw to facilitate plowing to prepare the soil for planting new crops in the next cultivation season. This is considered a waste of energy and creates air pollution. Therefore, in this research, the improvement of fuel properties of rice straw by torrefaction process to produce energy was investigated using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). The experiment was performed with 10 mg of rice straw at 280 °C with different degrees of torrefaction severity (10, 20, and 30% mass loss). The results show that the torrefaction process can greatly improve the fuel properties of rice straw. Rice straw with the most intense torrefaction process (30% mass loss) has the highest fixed carbon, carbon content and high heating value as well as the lowest humidity content. Therefore, it is suitable to be used for further energy production.


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How to Cite

Wiangthong, T. ., Tinprabath, P. . ., Wirotecheewan, P. . ., & Chindaprasert, N. (2023). EFFECT OF TORREFACTION SEVERITY ON THE FUEL PROPERTIES OF TORREFIED RICE STRAW. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 13–26. retrieved from



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