Lactic acid bacteria, Fermented food, Dietary fiber, Durian rind, Thai CarpAbstract
This research aimed to use dietary fiber (DF) from durian rind as a prebiotic with probiotic bacteria from fermented food in the aquatic feed for feeding the Thai carp.
The experiments comprised of screening the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from fermented food and preparation of aquatic animal feed by using DF from durian rind as a prebiotic with the isolated probiotic bacteria for feeding the Thai carp. The results of screening the LAB from 30 fermented food samples found that 35 isolates of LAB were isolated and all isolate were able to grow in anaerobic condition. There were 31 LAB isolates could grow in aerobic and anaerobic conditions. For the probiotic properties, there were 6 LAB isolates could tolerate acid and bile salt conditions. The LAB with the best probiotic property and growth was selected to use in the next experiment. The preparation diet was started by preparing the DF from durian rind, mixed the DF in Thai carp diet at the percentage of 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mixed the obtained diet with probiotic cells and used diet to feed fishes. The results found that
the utilization of DF from durian rind mixed in Thai carp diet at different levels led to
the growth of trial fish included weight gain, average daily gain (ADG), specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio and survival rate were not significant difference from the control. From the results indicated that the aquatic animal prepared from DF of durian rind could be used with isolated probiotic bacteria from fermented food for feeding Thai carp and can be a guideline to add value of durian rind.
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