
  • Pisit Poolprasert Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Chonlada Soodkeaw
  • Keerati Tanruean
  • Sirirat Phanruang
  • Yuttasak Chammui
  • Wisanu Thongchai


Pouzolzia pentandra, Biological control, Maconellicoccus hirsutus


Pouzolzia pentandra (Roxb.) Benn., an annual plant, has medicinal properties and is used as biological agents i.e. antimicrobial activities and especially insecticides. Therefore, we attempted to explore the effect of P. pentandra leaf methanolic extract on mealybug (Maconellicoccus hirsutus). All trials were designed using spraying at difference concentration including 0, 1,250, 2,500, 5,000 and 10,000 mg/L. In each trial with three replications was done.
A total of 20 mealybugs were tested in each replication and used mulberry leaves as their food. The mortality was recorded at 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours after exposure, respectively. It was found that the concentration of 10,000 mg/L displayed the highest mortality rate (98.33%) after 48 hours after exposure. Consequently, it could give LC50 of the plant extract about 987.86 mg/L. It was noted that the mortality slightly raised when the exposure time increase in all trails. It might be possible that this plant extract could be further applied to control
the mealybugs in the area.

Author Biography

Pisit Poolprasert, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University

Senior Lecturer in Biology Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


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How to Cite

Poolprasert, P., Soodkeaw, C., Tanruean, K. . ., Phanruang, S. . ., Chammui, Y. . ., & Thongchai, W. . . (2022). APPLICATION OF POUZOLZIA PENTANDRA (ROXB.) BENN. LEAF EXTRACT IN CONTROLLING MEALYBUG (MACONELLICOCCUS HIRSUTUS). PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 7(1), 45–54. retrieved from



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