การเพาะเลี้ยงเห็ดถั่งเช่าสีทอง , กากน้ำตาล, สูตรอาหารเพาะเลี้ยงAbstract
The objective of this study was studied to effect of culture medium mixed with molasses and protein sources that were silkworm pupa and milk powder on yield and bioactive compound production of Cordyceps militaris. The experiment design was done by using Completely Randomized Design with 3 replications, 3 bottles each. C. militaris was cultivated on 14 formulas solid media for 65 days. Results showed that the formula 10 (30 g of Sao Hai rice mixed with 50 mL of molasses 5% w/v and 5 g of silkworm pupa) showed the highest yield and bioactive compound production. The number of fruiting bodies and fresh weight had 61.15 fruit bodies/bottle and 42.39 g/bottle, respectively. The shape of fruiting bodies was longer than fruiting bodies in other formulas (6.44 cm). The color that expressed in lightness (L*), red (a*) and yellow (b*) were 56.27, 23.67 and 47.81, respectively. The content of bioactive components, adenosine and cordycepin were 1,853.85 and 2,255.47 mg/kg, respectively.
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